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The Invisalign System is a series of clear templates—called aligners ( similar to bleaching trays) that have been generated by computer simulation to gradually move the teeth. This system is available to adult patients with certain orthodontic bite problems. Ask us if you are a candidate for the Invisalign system.

Why Do People Choose Invisalign?

Would you like to straighten your teeth, but find traditional metal braces uncomfortable and unsightly? Now there is a new way to achieve the results of metal braces invisibly and without the irritation of traditional methods. Invisalign technologyThere are other options out there for straightening your teeth, but none offers the level of comfort, convenience and confidence that you'll find with Invisalign®. And no matter what stage you're at in life, you'll appreciate how our cutting-edge approach to treatment has minimal interference in how you live, but has a significant positive impact on how you look and feel about yourself. and By focusing only the the teeth that show when you smile, Six Month Smiles is able to gently move your smiling teeth into alignment in an average of 6 months.


Have the confidence to smile not only after treatment but during treatment knowing that Invisalign is effectively yet subtly working to improve your teeth.


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